First Baptist Irving

Nearly-Wed and Newlywed Couples

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Jeremiah 29:11

This week in ABF, Jordan led our class and we learned about Jeremiah 29:11. Make sure you study this on your own if you weren't able to make it this week- its always so eye opening to see these verses in the proper context! 

Favorite Verses: Jeremiah 29:11

Rolling Stones
October 14, 2012

Author: Jeremiah, a Judean prophet (Jeremiah 1:1)

When: Prophesized during the reigns of Josiah, Jehoiakim, and Zedekiah and into the exile (about 627-585 B.C.) (2 Kings 22-25)

Theme: Proclamation of the words of God including judgment and new covenant (Jer. 31:27-34)

Key Passage: Jeremiah 29:1-14

-Written to the exiles in Babylon (including Daniel) while Jeremiah was still in Judah (2 Kings 24:10-17); in a section of the book that confronts different groups of people including Judah’s kings, false prophets, Judah’s people, and false belief (Jer 21:1-29:32)

vv. 1-4

vv. 8-9
- What is Jeremiah warning the people of here? 

vv. 15-23
-What is God’s complaint with the exiles? (Side note: verse 22 burning by fire)

vv. 5-7
- Why is it important that the exiles continue to grow their families in Babylon?
- How could the exiles seek the welfare of the city? Why is the exile’s welfare dependant upon the welfare of the city? 

vv. 10-14
- What is God’s plan for the people? (Dan. 9:1-2)
-Welfare is the word “Shalom” in Hebrew (occurs 242 times in OT), See Gen. 15:15, Gen. 43:27, Ex. 18:7, Num. 6:22-26, Dan. 10:18-1
-Evil is the word “ra’” in Hebrew (occurs 690 times in OT), See Dan. 9:12-14


-How is our situation similar or different to the exiles? Therefore, how can we apply these ideas to our lives today?
New Testament exiles: Hebrews 11:13-16, 1 Peter 1:1-2, 17-19
-What is our city? How is our welfare dependant upon the city?
-Have you ever had a fear of bringing children into this fallen world that is headed for the destruction described in Revelation? How do verses 5-7 challenge that view? How could this passage change the way we perceive family planning in the last days?
-Who do we listen to? (false prophets verses God)
-How do we depend on God for our future plans? Do we believe that God has shalom planned for us?

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