First Baptist Irving

Nearly-Wed and Newlywed Couples

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The Two Sons and The Talents

Hey everyone! Here is the lesson from this past week if you were unable to be with us. Don't forget that along with studying the lesson from ABF you can also listen to Pastor John's sermon online if you miss it! Hope you all have had a great week so far.

Rolling Stone
Parables of Jesus: The Two Sons & The Talents
The Two Sons - Matthew 21:28-32

Background info: This was Jesus’ final week before the cross.  The Pharisees were a group of religious people that were constantly questioning His authority and challenging Christ with the law.  They were religious on the outside, but their hearts were prideful and far from Him.  Read Matthew 21:23-27.  Why didn’t Jesus answer their question?  What would have happened if Jesus said his authority came from God?  What would have happened if Jesus said his authority came from men?
1. What are the points of reference?The Father
The Two Sons
2. Who was the audience (21:45)?  The Pharisees and religious leaders
3. What is the meaning to each potential audience?The meaning was that they were not repenting of their own self-righteousness and believing that Jesus was the Son of God.  God’s will for them was to repent of their sins in their heart, not just in an outward display, but a repentance of the heart.  God is not interested in what we say or do on the outside.  He wants to be our greatest affection/heart’s desire.  The tax collectors and the prostitutes were truly repenting in their hearts, which was what the Father wanted.  The Pharisees were saying they wanted to obey God, but were being disobedient in their failure to repent and turn to Him.
Reference to John the Baptist.  Read Matthew 3:7-10.  God’s desire was not that they would be saved and obtain their righteousness from the law.  His desire was that they would bear fruit “in keeping with repentance.” 
4. How can we tell this parable in our own words?
5. How can we see the gospel/kingdom in this parable?
The Gospel is clearly portrayed in this parable as Jesus talks about the will of the Father.  His will is that we would repent and turn to Him for salvation.  He does not expect us to “clean up” or “get it together” before we come to Him.  He will save us by grace through faith in Jesus Christ.  Don’t just “talk the talk,” but truly turn to Jesus in your hearts.
The Kingdom will be full of people that love Jesus and trust in the Lord for salvation.  Not full of prideful, religious people who look good on the outside. 
6.  How do these ideas apply to our lives and/or marriages?We need to understand that our righteousness comes from God as a gift.  It is not something we earn or work for on our own merit.  It is a gift from God.  We need to bear fruit in keeping with repentance.  Remember that there is nothing good inside of you.  You are totally depraved.  The only thing good in us is Christ.  Even good things we do, without Christ, are meant for our own glory and self-righteousness, which is sin.  God deserves all the glory for anything and everything we do.  He alone is good and deserving of praise.  Repent often.
This applies in our marriages as well.  Own what you can own, and even more.  Repent of the things that need to be repented of, and allow Christ to transform your heart.  Don’t try to “work it out” on your own.  Allow Christ to rule your hearts and He will transform you into the Godly husband and wife He wills you to be.  And when you fall short, repent.

The Talents - Matthew 25: 14-30
Background: Read the subtitles in Ch. 22-23.  Read Matthew 24:26-51.  Jesus tells a parable about the ten bridesmaids in Matthew 25:1-13, which is about the kingdom of heaven.  Ch.25:14 beings with “Again, it will be like…” which means that this parable is about the kingdom of heaven, specifically with relation to remaining watchful.
1. What are the points of reference?Man going on a journey
The Servants
The Master’s property (talents)
2. Who was the audience (Ch24:3)?Jesus’ disciples
3. What is the meaning to each potential audience?It’s not what the Master has given, but what the servants do with what has been given that counts.
They have been entrusted with the Master’s property.  The will of God is that they would use what they have been given to bear fruit and to be good stewards of what they’ve been given. 
Keep the focus on the response of the master when he returns.  Do not be lazy or self-serving or ignore the will of the Master. 
4. How can we tell this parable in our own words?
5. How can we see the gospel/kingdom in this parable? This parable is about the kingdom of God.  The whole purpose of the parable is to illustrate the importance of stewarding well what God has entrusted to us as His servants.  We are not to be lazy and squander what God has entrusted us with, or allow those things to terminate on us.  We need to put our gifts, time, money, and talents to work in order to bear fruit for the kingdom of God.
This parable has eternal significance.  The response of the Master to the first two servants who dealt faithfully with what they had been given were entrusted with even more in the Kingdom of God.  The servant who was lazy and squandered what the master had given him was left with nothing and was cast into an eternity separated from the presence of the Lord. 
6.  How do these ideas apply to our lives and/or marriages?This idea is transformational!  Everything we own, our money, time, talents, gifts, spouses, children; all of these things have been given to us and entrusted to us by the Lord.  We are called to steward them well!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

  Psalm 136:26 "Give thanks to the God of heaven, for his steadfast love endures forever."

I hope that while eating turkey and spending the day with family and friends, you take time out of your day to thank God for what He has done, and continues to do, in your life.

Have a great Thanksgiving!

Side note: Not to be cheesy, but I also want to say that Cory and I are so thankful for each of you and the impact you've already made on our lives. We're so thankful that God led us to the Rolling Stones! :)

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Romans 8:28

This past Sunday, Daniel did an awesome job leading our class! We got to learn about Romans 8:28 and its context. Here are the notes if you weren't there! I hope you're all having a great week so far.

Rolling Stone – Favorite Verses
Romans 8:28 (26-30)
November 11, 2012

Author: Paul, from Corinth, preparing to visit Jerusalem
When: 56-57 AD, written near the end of his 3rd Missionary Journey; this is a mature statement of his understanding of the gospel.
Theme: God is perfectly righteous; man is sinful.  Through faith in Jesus Christ the believer is justified and has practical applications in living a righteous life.
Context: 1:18-3:20 - All have sinned
3:21-5:21 - Justification is through faith alone
6:1-8:39 - Practicing Righteousness in the Christian life
9:1-11:36 - God and Israel
12:1-15:13 - Practical Application
15:14-33 - Paul’s situation

Chapter 8
1-17 - Fulfill God’s righteousness by living in the power of the Spirit and according to the Spirit
18-25 - Longing for complete redemption
26-39 - Help and assurance in hardship

Identity Crisis?  Who are you?
1. Sons and daughters – led by the Spirit (v14), adoption (v15), The Spirit testifies with our spirit that we are children of God (v16)…joint heirs if we suffer with Him, glorified together (v17).
2. We will suffer.  
-Present sufferings are nothing compared to the glory we will receive. 
-We have the first fruits of the Spirit, eagerly waiting for the adoption, redemption of our body the future glory!  
-We are subject to suffering, pain, sin, and struggles.  
-We hope for what we do not see, we eagerly wait for it with perseverance, the future glory. 

Anyone felt like their prayer life is in the dumps?  
Help – translated: to take hold of together; co-operate 1 Corinthians 2:12   

Romans 8:28 “…and we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose…”

Work together - James 2:18-22   
“Sunergeo” – From “sun” together and “ergeo”to work, to cooperate, help, collaborate
It’s a synergistic harmony between vertical faith in God and horizontal works to a needy world.

…”to those who love God…”
What does it take to love God?  Can we get the same benefit if we just believe in Him? 

Believing or knowing about God qualifies you for 2 positions: a Pharisee and a demon
James 2:19
John 7:15-31.  

Where is the line defining how when we believe in Jesus that we will have rivers of living water flowing forth?         John 7:37-39; John 14:21; John 15:7-17 
He works all things for good to those are love God, who abide in Him, who know and keep His commandments, who are His sheep, His followers, His disciples.  

Good - Phil 1:6
“Agathos” – good in a physical and moral sense produces benefit; use of persons, things, acts, condition.  Synonym is “Kalos” – good in an aesthetic sense, suggesting attractiveness, excellence.  God will make all things excellent and beneficial. 

Purpose - 2 Timothy 1:8-12.  
“Prothesis” – “Pro” before, “thesis” place – a setting forth, a deliberate advanced plan intention and design.  

What is His purpose then? 

Romans 8:29-30 
2 Cor 3:17-18  We are reflecting what we behold, continuing toward that moment where we behold the Glory of the Lord
2 Timothy 2:19

John 10:14, 27-30; Psalm 139

Called“Kaleo” – to invite, summon. But to be invited, you have to once NOT be invited... 
Romans 9:24-25 “…there they shall be called sons of the living God.” 
Romans 8:14, 16 “…as many were led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.”

Justified“Dikaioo” acquit, declared righteous, shown to be righteous. 
1 Cor 6:9-11

1 John 3:2 and Phil 3:20-21
As looking into glory in a mirror, we shall be like Him, conformed to His glorious body. 

God WILL work all things together for the good of those who love His, to those who are the called according to His purpose.  As Christians we are predestined to receive a glorious future destiny – conformed to the image of Jesus.  If we choose salvation we are predestined for GLORY.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Romans 12:1-2

This week's lesson is posted below!

Please remember to be praying for our nation and its leadership this week during the elections.

Rolling Stone – Favorite Verses
Romans 12:1-2

Author:  Paul, from Corinth, as he was preparing for his visit to Jerusalem

When:  About 57 A.D.

Theme:  Sinfulness of humanity,  justification through faith in Jesus Christ, life through the Spirit, practical applications for the Christian life.

Setting:  Paul had neared the completion of his work in the east, and planned to visit Rome on his way to Spain after first going to Jerusalem to deliver a gift for the poor from the Gentile churches.  Romans is unique from Paul’s other writings in that it was written largely to a Jewish audience.  The Roman church was mostly Jewish but did also contained a great number of Gentiles.

Chapters 1 – 3:  Paul begins his letter by stating his support of and devotion to the Gospel (1:16) and addressing the common sinfulness of all humanity, both Jews and Gentiles.  (3:23)  He is also very clear to distinguish that salvation is not through the law, but through faith in Jesus Christ (2:9-22)

Chapters 4 – 6: Paul describes that salvation is by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone.  Christians are no longer slaves to sin, but to righteousness.  (6:23)  A wage is earned, gift is given freely!

Chapters 7 – 8: Two of our favorite chapters in the Scriptures!  Chapter 7 is an honest portrayal of Paul’s struggle with sin (7:14-24).  Then, in chapter 8, Paul describes the love that God has lavished upon us and the grace and freedom He has given us in Christ and through the Spirit. 

Chapters 9 – 11: Chapter 9 is one of the toughest messages to accept in all of Scripture.  The meaning behind this section is to help both the Jew and Gentile believers understand that they are only justified by faith in Christ; they will not obtain righteousness through the law (10:1-4).  Rather, their righteousness will be given to them as a gift, solely as an act of mercy.  It is not based on human desire or effort (9:16).  This does not allow any room for arrogance or pride. 

Key Verse:  Romans 12:1-2 “Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God – this is your spiritual act of worship.  Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – his good, pleasing, and perfect will.”

1.    Why do you think Paul begins this section with the phrase “In view of God’s mercy?”

2.   What is significant about this imagery of “offering your bodies as living sacrifices?”  What is the potential problem with a living sacrifice?

3.  What makes a sacrifice holy and pleasing to God?  Think back to the Old Testament, what did God desire in the sacrifice?  How can we please God?

4. Paul encourages the believers in Rome to no longer conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of their mind.  How do you renew your mind?

5.   Paul says they will be able to test and approve what God’s will is, after the renewing of their mind.  How does this message impact us? 

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Fall back and prayer

Hey guys!

Just wanted to remind you of 2 things:

1) Its time to set your clocks BACK an hour tonight!  Yay for the extra hour of sleep- I'm sure we all can use it :)

2) There will be prayer THIS Sunday (November 4) in our ABF class at 8:45 AM. Since everyone should be well rested due to the extra hour of sleep, you should all try to be there ;)

Hope you're all having a wonderful weekend. See you Sunday!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Box Packing Party!

As you all know, this past Sunday afternoon we packed boxes for Operation Christmas Child. Thank you so much to everyone who donated money and/or were able to help on Sunday! Our class packed 21 boxes!!! Here are some pictures of all the fun:

All the "fun" stuff

The toiletries (and some other fun stuff)

A finished box

If you were unable to be there and didn't get a chance to donate money, you still have time to make a box on your own! The last day of collection at the church is Saturday, November 10.

Also, it doesn't end here. Please don't forget to be praying for the children who will recieve these boxes!