First Baptist Irving

Nearly-Wed and Newlywed Couples

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Galatians Study

Our Study of Galatians
My hope is that we can own the book of Galatians through individual, couple, and group study. We will let you know the passage for each week beforehand as well as a verse to memorize if you want to join us in memorization.

Bible Study Preparation for Sunday, March 11:
Read Galatians (all) taking notes on context then focus on 1:1-9 verse by verse throughout the week taking notes of questions for the group
Memorize 1:3-5
Look over handouts including background information and maps (may also want to skim over the Acts references on the map to gain context of Paul's interaction with the area of Galatia)
Talk about the passages and memorize with your spouse

These following ideas are derived from two books by Gordon D. Fee and Douglas Stuart: How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth and How to Read the Bible Book by Book.

Bible Study (General)
The goal of interpretation is "To get at the plain meaning of the text"
-Correct interpretation "brings relief to the mind as well as a prick or prod to the heart."

Nature of Scripture:
-Eternally Relevant
-Historic Particularity
-Different genres of writings
-Speaking to people in a different culture

2 tasks in Bible Study are
1. Exegesis- trying to understand the then and there
2. Hermeneutics- hearing the word for here and now (interpretation)

-trying to find the original intent of the words of the Bible
-must be done on every passage (not just difficult passages)
-Good exegesis asks two types of questions:
-Context: Historical (background of author or characters; cultural differences;purpose and occasion) and Literary (sentences and how they relate to the argument/flow of the text-"What's the point of this sentence?")
-Content: what the text means; may require good translation, Bible dictionary, and Biblical commentary

-trying to apply the passage to the here and now through a correct interpretation
-not totally subjective (there are incorrect interpretations of scripture usually based on bad exegesis, ex. Health and Wealth Gospel from 3 John 2)
-Holy Spirit guides us (Pray)
-Community helps us (Come to ABF on Sunday mornings!)
-A text can never mean what it never meant.

Specific study of the Epistles
-They are letters: written on a certain occasion, not primarily to expound theology

Recreate Situation: Do this by reading the entire letter of Galatians in a sitting and take notes:
1. What  you notice about the recipients themselves (eg. Are they Jew or Greek, wealthy or slave, problems they are facing, attitudes, etc.)
2. Paul's attitudes
3. Any specific things mentioned to the occasion of the letter
4. The letter's natural, logical divisions (the form of the text)

Literary context
-Trace Paul's argument (think paragraphs and ask "What's the point?")
2 Questions:
1. What does Paul say in this paragraph?
2. Why does he say this now? How does this further his argument? (Work towards developing a single goal or thesis statement for the book)

2 Rules
1. A text can never mean what it never meant.
2. Whenever we share common particulars with the 1st Century hearers, God's word is the same to us as it was to them. (example: We still have local churches, so text's referring to the church could apply to us)

What about passages to which we don't relate?
1. Find clear principle
2. Apply truly similar situation
*We must be careful not to over apply the scriptures

Jordan's Bible Study Method (Just a suggestion)
1. Pray
2. Read whole letter (at least twice a week)
3. Read chapter for context daily
4. Focus on specific verse at a time (one or two only)
5. Make notes on context and content (questions above)
-Look up unfamiliar words
-Look up cross-references 
-See OT or NT references 
-Use a commentary, but only after personal study
6. Meditate on the meaning of the text now that you understand the original meaning
7. Try to write out the verse in your own words
8. Make applications to here and now (if possible) based on these principles
9. Memorize the verse (repetition can bring new meaning to the verse as it comes to mind throughout your day)

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