As our series continued on decision making, Tyler discussed using Godly wisdom in our lives, in our marriages.
God says in James 1, ‘ask and it will be given freely in liberal amounts’. There is no currency, no debt to be paid for the wisdom of God. There are so many channels of blessings surrounding Godly wisdom, the inheriting/possession of it, and also the process of merely asking for it. In fact, asking for wisdom is an act of worship to the Lord.God’s Word tells us the source and conception of wisdom is found in fearing God. When we ask for wisdom, we’re acknowledging our inferiority and His superiority. In recognizing His superiority, we are not just exclaiming His greatness and glory, we are expressing our reliance and NEED for God in our lives.
Coming to a place in our mind and heart, establishing that we are in need of Him is the place of empowerment. This realization through Scripture and application has been such a joy. I used to believe a famous lie of Satan: ‘ We can become powerful through our own self-effort’. I believe this lie to be very prevalent and has left a long trail of bodies. The second we attempt to build up ourselves by self-effort, seek pleasure for ourselves, seek fame, we immediately divorce ourselves from Christ. The Word says, 'in all thy ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path'. I further looked at what this promise meant, my commentary says ‘he will remove obstruction and clear paths for us’. It’s not His will for us to struggle and wrestle in life, Christ is waiting to outsource His wisdom and qualities to overcome, to distinguish what is prudent. He wants us to ‘feast on the abundance of his house’, to ‘drink from His river of delights’(Psalm 36). That’s why we give thanks in the desert seasons of our lives; Christ wants us to experience NEEDING Him, for in this is the wealth of wisdom, in this is abundance to our soul.